
Token name: Life Coin

Symbol: LIFE

Decimals: 9

Total Supply: 888,888,888,888,888,888

Circulating Supply: 444,444,444,444,444,444

Launch Burn: 50%

Redistribution (Token): 3%

Auto-Liquidity: 3%

Marketing: 2%

Charity: 2%

Buyback: 4%

TOTAL: 14% tax

BSC Scan & BSC Chain

Blacklist function: Yes

Anti-Dump Lock (until 21.4.2024.)

Suprise Burn Events

No minting = no infinite supply

Trading Pause

B2C and P2P Transfer + Trade

Public Source code

Audit Application

Pancakeswap Listing

Ownership Exchange

Whale Ban Concept

Healthy Collective Restart and Reset

Staking & Farming





Knowledge Webwork

Investors Land – Island where you buy and sell IDEAS and PROJECTS (minting knowledge)



Collective Global Projects and Charity participation

Order custom NFT

Digital and physical NFT placement - artists / sellers / users

Link to application forms and submitting the media or an item for “content verification”

Live & Earn Crypto

It is a parent to play-to-earn and learn-to-earn

Users get rewarded for all aspects of their life

Crypto L-earn

Every time you read new content and get educated you generate Life Coins

Issuing of small percent of your earnings through other coins or new coins

Files & Folders Coding Language

New & simple global code language

Easy to learn and create

Smooth global collaboration and synchronization

Low memory consumption

Infinite possibilities

Natural technological extension from natural code of existence

Natural humanity, technology and natural code non-destructive integration

Upcoming Coins & Tokens:

Timing Coins

Stable Coins

Guaranteed Coins

Utility Coins

Per Purpose Coins

Per Topic Coins

Knowledge Coin


We want to protect our eternal project from pumping and dumping along any manipulation.

Therefore, we will introduce Lock and Unlock dates that go well with our timeline.

Speed, amount and intention make the biggest difference.

Security & Legal

Legal protection and high-end security will be initiated during The Great Disclosure or when meeting the crowdfunding goal