Business Symbiosis

We are constantly searching for new business connections!
Become one of our first business associates with a new global concept of collective humanity progress!
All fields, topics, positions and responsibilities!
Concept A: Investment

We are currently looking for new INVESTORS that believe in our project and team and wish to become a shareholder of something that will shortly become the largest and deepest company that ever existed leaving major companies no other choice but to convert from unsustainable habits to a small collective building block of our new life experience system. We are open for any proposals in preferred format: Amount + percentage of ownership / amount of tokens + maximum time willing to wait on return + expected return.

Please note that the first eligible playouts will be opened only during The Great Disclosure phase (21.4.2024.) unless the community, team and ownership collectively agrees on our priority on your payment instead following our designated growth plan with all of our resources merged into one unmatched unit.

Concept B: Sponsorship

We are currently looking for SPONSORS (small to large) that are willing to stand behind our innovative and sustainable concept that is here to push humanity back to the right course and spark a new golden age. Now is your last chance to have your brand associated with our business enterprise. For every interaction with our final project, our millions and billions of users will see you or your organization represented next to our appropriate categories and services.

Concept C: Collective Progress

We are currently looking for INDIVIDUALS and BUSINESS ORGANIZATIONS so we can progress together and create deeper connections between various topics and specializations from both of our knowledge databases. Well-established or unknown company or a person that produces high-quality and fully sustainable products is urged to contact us with a vision how can we bridge our journeys in order to provide maximum life experience for both of our consumers. We are interested in the fusion of topics in order to create something new, useful and unique. What is the difference between collaborators, partners and contributors?

COLLABORATORS are usually independent humans or organizations that wish to preform task for both of our users for maximum life experiences and equally split profit without any business relation or indications of long-term fair co-operation.

PARTNERS are collaborators that wish to set up a new company or long-term co-operation contracts that will provide a combination of both of our services with shared return and ownership always in ratios 50%-50% and decision-making at least 1% in our advantage for constant guaranteed protection and benefit of all stakeholders and shareholders.

CONTRIBUTION SYSTEM allows any humans to give their life works to the world or invest minimum half of their original company or innovations in exchange to be associated with our global brand and establish new fused brand, while still being part of our infinite business eco-system that contains every company and task that ever existed, exists or will ever exist. We allow our partners to specialize in their task how they always fantasized about while we focus on operational and business side of the newly formed company and bridge eligible candidates with any business service or organizations under our title.