Life Team Careers

Employement Concept:

We would like to offer you a life-long position where you can make progress on your life and the life around you. You will be doing what you want to do, whenever you want it to be done, and of course, however you want. You can work on any topic that ever existed, exists or will ever exist either what you would usually do in your day, or what needs to be done globally, completely up to you! No minimum qualifications are required and all procedures will be taught to you in our online learning environment. However, users with higher experience and certification from the real world and our world will have an advantage in decision making and publishing final output content and sometimes even obtain ownerships. All efforts and actions will be processed in due time, acknowledged and compensated.

Minimum Conditions:

- keep proof of all your efforts and actions protected and backed up

- inform us periodically of all your efforts and actions

- complete all steps provided to the team members for onboarding

- agree with our timeline, concept and financial compensation model

- dedicate at least few hours per week for anything that you like to do

- conduct yourself properly at all times of your day under the handbook of Life Coin team policy

Payment Model Introduction:

All efforts and completed tasks will be rewarded during the Great Recalculation when all team and community members will determine what they are entitled to. Earnings will be multiplied based on specific qualifications and promotions. Your accumulated earnings can also be swapped for another user’s service at a tremendous discount in comparison to the current economy. For example, a property or a house in your dream country can be achieved quicker working for the world’s organization of humans instead of a company and owners that keep profits to themselves and don't help employees to achieve bigger things in life. The current owner and main developer of the entire concept have paid a high price to have the privilege to develop this project and worked without reimbursement for almost 20 years on it. Developer and owner prefers not to get wealthy in the end what suppose to belong to others nor that it takes that long for people to get reimbursement themselves. Intentions are to share profit with other people that can produce natural, sustainable, and healthy products and service that will positively change the course of humanity. Everyone will be set up independent and in full of control of their works with additional possibility to merge together into the new fields with other complimentary organisations creating more jobs and better working conditions globally. There will be no misleading here and success on other people’s backs. On contrary, we want to help you grow your own ideas and maximize your careers and personal progress. All profits from the first products and services will pay the labor and debts during or before the great redistribution before any upgrade or growth. This is a great opportunity for everyone that works on their passion outside of their regular jobs to create a large savings/spending money fund by continuing with your hobbies, ideas, or passions in life and submitting to us for rewards calculation. With the arrival of economics, financial and funding experts on our team, you can expect your earnings to skyrocket and make you one of the wealthiest humans during The Great Redistribution. You will be part of a new economy system with minimum double higher minimum wages for every human making under USD 100,000 per year.

Open Positions:

- Software Developers

- Life Coaches

- Community Managers & Admins

- Social Media Managers & Admins

- Public Relations Representatives

- Moderators

- Customer Service

- Economists, Financial Experts & Funding Agents

- Business Specialists

- Crypto-currency Experts and Advisors

- Security Specialists

- Sales Agents

- Social Influencers

- Brand Ambassadors

- Opportunities Explorers

- Content Editors

- Journalists

- Graphic Designers

- Photo Experts

- Audio Experts

- Game Developers

- App Developers

- Website Developers

- Human Resources

- Engineers

- Specialist in any field with serious knowledge, experience and/or accomplishments

*Any other position relevant to our collective growth in any field or topic*

*Please send your CV and a Cover Letter to our email or WhatsApp account indicated at the bottom of the page*